Families are a fundamental component to the Special Olympics North Dakota program. Family involvement is important because:
- Family members care about their athlete and are proud of them when they participate.
- Many times it is the family that encourages and assists their athlete in being able to participate.
- Family members are often our most dedicated coaches and volunteers - they get things done!
- Families see first hand what involvement in Special Olympics North Dakota can do to benefit their athlete - They believe in the mission.
If you want to get involved, contact your Area/ Local Director, or contact Special Olympics North Dakota by email at info@specialolympicsnd.org or by calling (701) 746-0331.
Ways to Get Involved
- Volunteer
- Coach
- Officiate
- Write a newsletter article
- Help provide transportation
- Help with fundraisers
- Be on a calling tree
- Support your athlete
- Attend family meetings
- Bring in a new family